Updated on: January 26, 2022

Rain Collection System Maintenance Procedures

Having a rain collection system can have many ideal and sought after benefits. For example, they act as an independent water supply which otherwise would be costly or difficult to obtain. In addition, rainwater harvesting tanks are a crucial source of clean water and increase the quantity of potable drinking water available to houses or even citizens in the community. Furthermore, water collected in the rainwater harvesting tanks can lead to a large reduction in business or household utility bills. With this in mind, keeping your systems well maintained is essential if you want an ongoing supply of clean water. As such this article will discuss:

  • Why you should maintain your rain harvesting tank 
  • What procedures you should take 
  • Final considerations

Why You Should Maintain Your Rain Harvesting Tank

First of all, it is important to perform regular rainwater tank maintenance for a variety of reasons. A rain collection system for harvest requires regular upkeep as they may get prone to rodents, algae growth and insects. They can become breeding grounds for many animals if they are not properly maintained which is why it is crucial to check these nifty devices on a regular basis. Furthermore, if these systems are neglected, contamination of the water may occur which clearly if this water is to be transported into a household, could be very harmful for the users within the house. It is also worth keeping the tank gutters clean as decaying matter in the gutters can affect the water’s quality which again, can be harmful for individuals who rely on the harvesting tanks as a source of water.

What Procedures You Should Take:

Clean Your Gutters

Water tanks are typically situated near buildings for ease of transport of the collected water. As such, they tend to be in the same vicinity of gutters. It is a good idea to clean your roof gutters every so often or alternatively contact a professional to perform this task. This minimises not only the potential leaf litter that goes into or blocks up your tank, but also allows you to check for any dead animals and remove any droppings that could end up in your tank.

Replace Insect Mesh

Insect mesh will keep those pesky flies and other bugs and insects out of your rainwater harvesting tanks however, this only works if the mesh is well maintained. Keeping the mesh maintained and in good condition at all times ensures the safety of your water and removes any possibility of small flies breeding in your water which eventually could end up in your house/buildings water supply. If you detect that your insect mesh is in poor condition, it could be worth replacing the whole sheet or contact at cleaning specified to amend the area in which it needs repairing. 

Check Water Quality

If you use your rainwater harvesting tank for showering or even drinking, you need to have your water tested regularly. To do this, you need to check the colour and smell of your water, as well as any sediment build up. If you suspect there is an issue, you may need to call a water testing expert to assess your water quality situation. 


If you notice that there is sludge accumulating in the bottom of your water tank, it is advised that you seek professional help to clean it. Thankfully, here at COVAC, our friendly team are experts in water storage tank cleaning and can aid in removing sludge when required. By performing an effective desludging procedure the loss of water can be minimised and the elimination of harmful bacteria  transported into households can be kept under control. Finally, it is recommended that your tank is desludged at least every 2 years for effective longevity of your rain collection system. 

Check Pipes And Pumps 

An effective rainwater tank maintenance procedure you should take is to check the pipes and pumps that run from your collection tank into your house/building. Any cracks or broken pipes could be leading to not only a loss of water, but an entry point for viruses and other diseases to thrive. Replace any pipes and pumps that are no longer at their best quality to prevent harmful bacteria being prevalent in your vicinity.

Final Consideration

A final consideration in regards to rain collection systems is that human entry into tanks should be avoided wherever possible. Where entry is essential, it should only be undertaken by trained professionals like the skilled staff here at COVAC. Finally, maintenance procedures should be in accordance with the manufacturer’s maintenance recommendations.

We hope this article has enlightened you with why you should maintain your rainwater harvesting tanks as well as the steps you can take in order to increase the longevity of your systems and the safety of your water when it is transported back to your desired location. 

If you require your tank cleaning systems or devices of similar nature, get in contact with one of our friendly team today on 01455 556 631 or alternatively, email us on info@covac.co.uk 

  • Cert No. 22946

  • Cert No. 22946